Excavator Transport
At Benecke Transport we offer Excavator Transport with our Lowbeds in between sites .This is offered for the safe and efficient relocation of plant and equipment from Johannesburg Gauteng to any destination in South Africa.
Benecke Transport Johannesburg Gauteng based Transport company offering Lowbed transport services
We transport the following plant equipment TLB , Excavators , Front end Loaders , Graders , Crushers , Telehandlers and more.
For Excavator Transport a larger trailer with a larger weight rating to handle the load you are moving.”
Benecke Transport Johannesburg Gauteng based Transport company offering Lowbed transport Services from Gauteng Johannesburg to any destination in South Africa.
Low Beds are a horse/trailer combination used to move earthmoving equipment between sites. Various sizes of low beds are available depending on the weight and/or the dimensions of the equipment to be moved. Today there are a variety of different models to choose from. Lowbeds are designed to handle different conditions, it is essential to get the correct weight of the load you wish to transport before going out to find the lowbed.

Our lowbed trailers offers the flexibility to handle any size and weight loads. We have fully qualified teams of riggers ready and able to assess your lift and transport needs.
Contact us at morne@benecketransport.co.za
Cell:084 959 5555