Lowbed Transport Johannesburg to Cape Town
Benecke Transport offers Abnormal Lowbed Transport Services from Johannesburg Gauteng to Cape Town for all your plant and machines.We offer services up to 60tons
Benecke transport has trailers which can accommodate heavy equipment, such as Excavators , loaders ,etc. They can also be used to move industrial equipment from one location to another.

We offer lowbed transport services for machines and structures between Johannesburg and Cape Town. Deliveries can be done nationally.
Our Trailers are well-suited for the transportation of heavy equipment, such as Excavators , loaders ,etc. They can also be used to move industrial equipment from one location to another.
Earth moving equipment transportation requires experienced operators to ensure that loads are delivered in time and on time .

Contact us for transport services – www.benecketransport.co.za

We transport:
Tractors , Excavators , Graders , TLB , Front End Loaders , Crushers , Construction Machinery , Mining Equipment

Regular loads :
Johannesburg to Cape Town
Cape Town to Johannesburg
For all your transport needs
Contact Morne 084 959 5555 or 0869990270